led light therapy.

LED (light emitting diode) light is a natural, non-invasive, chemical-free, treatment for anti-aging and/or acne. This device is clinically verified to activate fibroblast cells, leading to elastin and collagen generation and maintenance, the keys to healthy and younger-looking skin.

LED Light Therapy is beneficial to all skin types. It may be an ideal option for those who do not respond well to medications for acne, and for those who may be sensitive to other treatments such as peels or laser therapies.

This system allows for red light or blue light therapy.

Red light therapy boosts our body’s Krebs Cycle, which generates cellular energy and ATP (Adenosine Triphosphate). Good ATP levels in your body means energy to spend on collagen and elastin production.

Blue light therapy kills bacteria and reduces inflammation, which helps clear acne.

LED Light Therapy is currently available as an add-on or a stand-alone treatment for the face.

  • -Epilepsy


  • Customized LED Light Therapy Treatment - $100

    Add on Treatment - $50